Anybody, could you give me a ticket to watch X_x
this is it, Im back here again to try the pizza and chilli dog
Im in love with this place
Hau's Tea
Cakue I love youuuuu

Cakue Chilli Dog
that is real tomatoe sauce
I hate tomatoe, but I love tomatoe sauce

Cakue Pizza
Pizza made from cakue
and the sauce is BBQ sauce!! great taste
pizza meet the BBQ sauce
I'll give 5 stars if they didn't put chicken on the pizza
but its still yummo
ketemu cakue "gila ya jualan cakue doank bisa kaya gini"
ketemu pecel lele "gila ya jualan pecel lele doank bisa kaya gini"
ketemu maicih "gila ya jualan gurilem doank bisa kaya gini"
the lessons : kita bisa memulai dari hal2 yg sederhana untuk sukses
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