Always try hard to be Sundanesse
"Ayeuna abdi tos tiyasa nyarios Sunda"
and this is the one only Sunda's song that I can remember
"abdi teh ayeuna, gaduh hiji boneka
teu kinten bututna, sareng gorengnya
ku abi di burigil, burigilna sabadan
sumangga tingali boneka abi"
-__- after 10 minutes try to sing this song,
I realize that Winda teach me the wrong lyrics
butut and goreng means ugly
ohh my gosh
but Im keep on trying :)

Nasi Merah + Leunca + Mendoan + Fenomenal Sambel Terasi
@ Kantin Pak Kumis , Jl Ternate Bandung
Mendoan 1,5K , Nasi Merah 3K, Leunca 1,5K <<<-- health and cheap, that was awesome
Sunda's food is healthy, they love vegetables
Mendoan is not their local food, but in here Mendoan is the special menu
Leunca, when u ate them, they will blow up in ur mouth *lebay*

Sunda people have elastic tounge
look at the menu, can u spell it?
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